My-T-Sil 7789

My-T-Sil® 7789 is a one part neutral cure weather proofing silicone sealant. It cures at room temperature by reaction with moisture in the air to a durable, flexible silicone rubber seal.

  • It has medium modulus characteristics and excellent unprimed-adhesion to most construction materials.
  • It is also suitable as a remedial sealant to replace failed organic sealant.

Pack Size:

My-T-Sil® 7789 is ideally available in

  • 280 ml cartridge
  • 300 ml tube
  • 600 ml sausage

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Product Features & Benefits

 My-T-Sil® 7789 silicone weatherproofing sealant is designed for sealing expansion and control joints, precast concrete panel joints, non-structural curtain wall mullion joints, stress cracks and joints in parapet walls


Sr No Properties Value
1.) Appearance Black/White/ Grey Paste
2.) Cure Neutral
3.) Specific Gravity @ 25±2°C 1.2
4.) Viscosity Non-slump
5.) Skin over Time 10-15 minutes
6.) Tack Free Time 30-40 minutes
7.) Tensile Strength ASTM D412 ≥ 1 N/mm2
8,) Elongation ASTM D412 ≥ 350 %
9.) Hardness (Durometer Shore A), ASTM D2240 30 – 40
10.) Operating Temperature -55 to 180 °C